Nitrous Oxide: The Ultimate Pain Killer
Dental doctors face the most panic patients. A dental check-up or dental issue is quite frenzy. For this, Nitrous oxide and oxygen is used in the dental offices. It is a conscious sedation to release patients from dental anxiety and stress. A cooperative and satisfied patient are beneficial to the clinicians. Doctor’s task becomes a lot easier with a calm and stable patient.
Nitrous Oxide mixed with oxygen is delivered through a small mask over nose. Nitrous Oxide is quite beneficial to the pre hospitals care because it works for a short duration of action. But questions relating to its use are still unanswered. The doubt relates to the use of nitrous oxide as an anaesthetic and analgesic agent. Patients use 50:50 mixture of emergency medicine and it is difficult to deduce it to a low dose. The experiences continue to support its use as several clinical setting seem to face no difficulty or adverse with its use.
Nitrous oxide: oxygen mixture, however, do not satisfy the all the criteria of a pain killer. However, no drug can be considered to cure all the stressful or painful states. The clinics that use this drug for mild to moderate pain can be now satisfied with the fact that more provision of it wont harm the patients. The study says that the patient can be provided with little higher dose in his early health problems. The use is harmless as the children are also advised for it. Nitrous oxide mixed with oxygen is delivered through a small mask over nose. The child is asked to breathe through the mouth. As the gas begins to work, the child gradually becomes less anxious and fussy.
Sometimes, this may not act as a right type of sedation. A child may feel nauseous with the use of mask. Additionally, if a child faces breathing issue through nose on the day of treatment, nitrous oxide may be less effective. So it is better to feed the child with a mild meal before the treatment.